Professional Chiropractic Services in Santa Clara, CA

Chiropractor treating patient's back

Chiropractic Manipulation

If you are tired of invasive treatments and medications without any improvements, it is time to try our non-invasive approach.

Chiropractic medicine focuses on the relationship between the body’s main structures the skeleton, muscles, nervous system, and the patient’s health.

Kinesiology Taping

The Kinesio taping method is believed to cause physiological effects on several body systems. The systems affected by the body are thought to include the circulatory/lymphatic, neural, muscular, and fascial systems as well as the joints. Kinesio Taping is currently being used by therapists to change muscle tone, move lymphatic fluids, correct movement patterns, and improve posture.

Kinesiology taping treatment with blue and pink tape
extracorporeal shock wave ultrasound on knee

Laser, Infrared, Ultrasound

Depending on type of injury and location, LL Laser, Infrared, and Ultrasound therapy is used to increase blood circulation in the tissue and promote natural healing. It also helps with Joint pain in a variety of conditions. Our office uses the most advanced forms of Infrared, Laser, and ultrasound equipment.

Exercise programs

At SERC we believe in targeted exercise and rehab specific to your condition. Exercise treatments are great tools for the prevention and improvement of the condition.

Young women doing stretching exercises on fitness ball
A Green Measuring Tape Wrapped Around a Yellow Apple, With Pink Dumbbells

Lifestyle Change and Diet

Many illnesses can be prevented or treated with lifestyle changes, diet, and nutrition. Lifestyle changes are a process that takes time and requires support. Our experienced clinicians can guide you through this process so you can get results faster.

Personal Injury

Our office also accepts personal injury patients. We will do our best to help you recover faster from your injury. 

Senior and younger male drivers get out of cars and inspect damage
Decompression Machine

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal Decompression Therapy is a non-surgical treatment that reduces nerve pressure and helps relieve back pain. In our clinic, we use one of the most advanced decompression tables.